Project Status
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Project Location & Area
Sanwer road, Gram Panchderiya, Opp Central Jail, IndoreTotal Area:- 17,50,000 Sq.ft. (Approx).Salable Area:- 1732951 Sq.ft. Total Plots:- 1031
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Custructed By
Project is being constructed by SKDL, a company with an excellent reputation for maintaining high standards and delivering quality infrastructure.
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Project Consultants
Build-arch Consultants
All the models (floor plans) are copy right of Build Arch Consultants. Any kind of copy of the design may be liable to legal action as per the law.
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- Water Supply
- Sewerage
- Roads
- Electricity Distribution Line
- Developed Garden
Legal Disclaimers
- All the rights to change specification, designs, plans, scheme etc are reserved with the Architect/ Engineers/ Builders of Project.
- Expenses like stamp duty, documents, registration charges, legal charges to be borne by the purchaser of the plot.
- Security Deposite of MPEB electricity, transformer, temporary electric connection charges to be paid separately by the plot owners.
- All plot owners to become member of society by paying membership and one year advance maintenance charges.
- No Alteration without permission shall be permitted.
- This is just a presentation information site and does not constitute as a legal offering of original product.